Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Brake ups and love

A brake up isn't something easy to do or over come. It takes a lot of courage and a lot of time to forgive and forget.
Life changes after a brake up. You see all the happy couples on their dates holding hands, smiling at each other full of love and you think to yourself where you went wrong. Why did you break up with him?  Is this what you wanted? Is this how you wanted to be?
You are all on your own. No more messages in the morning checking how you are that brings a smile to your face before you start your day. No more late night calls, no more goodnight messages wishing that you sleep well that brings a smile to your face before you close your eyes.
You regret what you have done at times. You think to your self was this the correct thing to do. Will I get over him? Will he ever forgive me for making him go through hell? Will there be someone out there for me?  Someone to fill that hole in your heart.
You are all on your own. You are empty on the inside. No one that you can give your love to. No one to make you smile first thing in the morning or last thing at night.
You see him every now and then. You feel this feeling in your heart. A feeling that will soon go away.  You know that he's happy without you. He's surviving.  He looks away he doesn't even realize that you are standing there, it's as if you don’t exist anymore. As if you are a shadow to him.
You will forget about him soon. The feeling in your heart that you get when you see him will go away. You take each day as it comes. You hope that there is someone out there that will care and love for you like the way he did. You just have to wait for that day to come.
He could be the guy in you class, the guy that you don’t acknowledge. Whoever he is he will care for you.
It is time for you to put that brick wall around your heart down. Let someone love you for who you are. Its okay you have nothing to worry about. Embrace love. You were in love once before so why not give it another chance? It might end in your happily ever after.You will never know unless you give it a shot. So go for it, have fun go for the love.
Love is an amazing feeling. It's what everyone out there needs. A little love never hurt anyone.
Love makes you smile. Fills you up with all those butterflies and warm feelings. Makes your palms sweat makes your heart skip a beat each time you see him or think about him.
You are missing out with all this love. You have the brick wall around your heart it's time to let it down and let love back into your life.
You are afraid of love because of the breakup. It's time to forgive yourself and let love back into you life.

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